Saturday, November 15, 2008

National Blog Posting Month # 15: Book Convention

Today I am off to the Copenhagen Book Convention. I have no special events that I am going to see or hear. I am just going to shop around with my sister, looking for cheap deals on books and maybe find some comicbooks on sale as well. Maybe we will meet some friends to hang out with for a while. A lot of Scandinavian crime-writers are represented on this year's Copenhagen Book Convention - something which has sparked a lot of discussion in the large, national papers. But, like I said, I am not going to anything special and am just looking forward to hang out. Apart from the masses of people who usually go there, I think it is going to be good fun. I'll bring my camera and will hopefully be able to blog some photos tomorrow.
NB. The image with the books covered in whipped cream was used last year on the poster for the Book Convention. This year they use another image, I just liked this one better.

This is post # 15 in the NaBloPoMo-challenge. See my page here.


Anonymous said...

I really like that picture! Wisconsin has a book festival every year, and I meant to go to some events this year but ended up being too busy/lazy the weekend of the festival and didn't get to anything. Oh well. I'm looking forward to hearing what you see today!


Louise said...

I know what you mean about being too lazy. I love books and I love browsing books and looking at books - and reading them of course. But I just haven't gotten myself into gear yet and actually gone there LOL. I will do it though, just got a text message from my sister that she would be there at 5.30 PM. And I need to walk around a little by myself before she arrives, so I better get going. Soon.

Anonymous said...

Have fun!

Louise said...

Thanks :o) I just returned from the convention and will blog a little about it tomorrow.