Sunday, November 23, 2008

National Blog Posting Month # 23: e by Matt Beaumont

Have you ever worked in an office? If so, you will recognize a lot of the stuff going on in the Miller-Shanks Advertising Firm. The story, e by Matt Beaumont, takes place during a few weeks in January 2000, where everybody is supposed to be busy with a new campaing for Coke. But of course, a lot of other things goes on, and we get to know a whole lot of funny, annoying, loveable and crazy persons in the firm. The whole story is told through the e-mails the different people send to each other, and it is a very funny read. Some may argue that this 'e-mail-form' has been done before, but this book was written some years ago, and I think the idea was new back then. A very quick read that makes you want to read more about those idiotic but likeable (some of them) persons.

This is post # 23 in the NaBloPoMo-challenge. See my page here.


Anonymous said...

This book sounds funny, I love The Office (a show on NBC about, well, an office). I heard recently about a book that was written entirely in text messages, but I can't remember what the title was.


Louise said...

I've heard about a book written in text messages as well, but that is a Danish one which was just published or just about to be published and I guess it is not that one you've heard about.

This book, e, was a real fun read and very, very quick. I have never worked in such a large office, but having worked in smaller ones, I could still recognize many of those stupidities that colleagues say, do and write.