Saturday, January 17, 2009

What a nice award

Anastasia from Birdbrain(ed) Book Blog has awarded me with The Butterfly Award. That is very, very nice of her and now I will have to look around and award this to some of the bloggers out there. Like Anastasia, I am going to look for bloggers who did not recieve this award yet, and award them. But I'll have to return with an edit, because right now I am about to pop in a dvd and watch a movie. Thanks again for the award, Anastasia!

EDIT Sunday January 18: I know most of you already got this, but I am still awarding you with this cool award, because I think you deserve it:

Mim from Mim's Muddle
Beth from Beth Fish Reads
Dorte from DJs Krimiblog
Florinda from The 3 R's
Alessandra from Out of the Blue

Meme rules:
1. Put the logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Award up to ten other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message for your awardees on their blogs.


Krissi said...

Last year we had snow until June. In fact at the end of June I was watching my daughter play soccer (football?) outside. Wearing a jacket and with a blanket wrapped around me. A week later the first week of July I was at a game and was sweltering in 100 degree weather. Sometimes I think mother nature has a weird sense of humor. Your right dark means sleep. Which is hard to do when it is pitch dark in the afternoon. Congrats on the award. Very pretty!

Julia Phillips Smith said...

Congratulations on the Butterfly Award, Bogsider! Hope your movie was good.

My husband and I are watching the HBO series 'True Blood' and gobbled up two episodes today. It's great.

Beth F said...

Congrats on your well-deserved award!

Alessandra said...

Congrats on your award! And thank you for thinking of me--all these awards are making my ego swell the size of a balloon!

Beth F said...

Wow!! Thanks sooooo much for the award. It really does mean a lot to me. Thanks so much.

Louise said...

You are welcome both of you and you both deserve it. I should have awarded some more people, as I think ALL deserve it :-)

mimbles said...

Thank you! This brightened up my day no end yesterday as I sat in the car with my back in agony snatching a quick net-fix on my phone as we drove down the coast. Made me feel all warm and fuzzy it did :)

Louise said...

Hope you are enjoying your trip, Mim, even though that back ache sounds bad!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! This is fantastic!