Katniss and Peeta live in District 12, the poorest district where it is not unusual to see people keel over from hunger on a daily basis and just die right there. In the past, District 12 was the Appalachians, whereas District 1 is located in what was known as The Rockies. Katniss lives in the poorest area of the poorest district, and is the sole provider for her family which consists of her, her mother and her little sister Prim. Her family's main income stems from Katniss' abilities to hunt in the forbidden woods outside of District 12.
We meet her on the day of the yearly reaping. The reaping is the day where two kids from each district are being chosen to participate in The Hunger Games, where the only rule is to kill all other contestants and avoid getting killed yourself. The Hunger Games are being broadcastet reality tv-style nationwide in all districts, and it is mandatory to watch it.
When little sister Prim is being selected as a participant, Katniss volunteers to take her place. The other participant from District 12 is the quite son of the the district's baker. His name is Peeta. Peeta and Katniss travel to District 1, where they are being prepared to enter The Hunger Games, together with the 22 other kids from the other districts. Once in the arena of The Hunger Games, it is everybody's fight against everybody. Kill or be killed.
This book is a chilling and amazing 5* read. It is the first YA I have read in years, and the first fantasy I've read in almost as many years. But oh my, it was a great read. And yep, I DID stay up to read it, just had to know what happened on the next page. It is such a bone-chilling and dark read, but it has its moments of rebellion and friendship to make the whole set up bearable.
Earlier this summer I asked for recommendations for YA books. The Hunger Games was recommended to me by Michelle from GalleySmith, Jill from Fizzy Thoughts and Scrapgirl from Serendipity. Thanks!
Did you also read this? And review it? Let me know so I can put up a link.
sounds amazing! I'm looking forward to this book, but maybe I'll wait a few years for the other ones to come out too.
I have seen a lot of talk of this one around but I did not realize it was YA. Nevertheless, it sound very interesting.
I am so pleased you enjoyed it. I have just finished Life As We Knew It by Susan Pfeiffer (another YA) and I would definitely rate it as good as The Hunger Games.
YAY! I'm glad you liked it. It truly is my favorite series going. Only about a week or so until the second comes out. I have no doubt you'll love it even more! Can't wait to hear your opinion on it ;)
@Rebecca, although it is a long read (more than 400 pages) it is very easily read - and the next in the series, which is, as far as I understand, going to be a trilogy, is going to be published in a few weeks. I really recommend this book.
@Caite, its definitely YA, and while I do not mind YA which deals with subjects such as sex, it was kinda refreshing that this was NOT about sex, but more about friendship - plus I always love an apocalyptic tale!
@Vivienne, I will definitely look for that series. This is, I have gotten so many good recommendations, but am somewhat limited as to what is being published in the UK. I cannot buy books from US, only the Euro-zone. But The Hunger Games was out on the Eurozone-market, and that was why I picked that as my first YA-read in many, many years. I hope the other series you mention is available.
@Michelle, this may just be one of those books that I NEED to buy before it is out in paperback. I cannot WAIT for that number two!
Whew! I'm glad you liked it. Catching Fire will be out soon!
I read this book and am with you it was a great can't put it down until the end book. I'm anxious for the second book to come out which should be sometime this fall.
I read this just recently and really loved it! Can't wait to get the sequel.
I love sci-fi, fantasy. Thanks - added to my must read list!
Softdrink,Krissi and Marg - it seems like we all liked this one and are excited about the next on in the trilogy. I think it said around September on Amazon. I can't wait.
Libertine, its a really great read, and I think you'll enjoy it :-)
This is my favourite book of the year so far - I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed it too. Only a few weeks to wait until Catching Fire is released!
Sounds like an awesome read! I have it on my must read list. I'll have to look for it at the library.
Great review!
Natalie :0)
Hey Louise, i have an award for you!!
I loved Hunger Games and preordered Carching Fire the second I finished it! CF is on its way to me now -- hoping it will come in the mail today because this is a three-day holiday weekend in the USA.
I got number 2 in the mail Friday! Still have a couple of other books to finish though!
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