This image was shot in July 1916 and it is of my grandmother on my father's side and her siblings. They were 12! My grandmother is second girl from right in the back row. The text beneath says: Youth in Togeby (Togeby is a location in Denmark), July 1916. Most likely this was shot by my great-grandfather who was a painter.Click on image to view in large size.
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I love looking at vintage photos. This one is great! What a large family. I love the bow ties the boys are wearing. Not everyone looks happy to sit for the photo.
Imagine having 12 children - I can't cope with two. Fabulous photo.
It is so nice that you have a photo of your grandmother and her siblings. I have never seen a photo like that of my relations.
Don't mean to sound depressing - I don't think it is, but images like these always remind me that I too will one day grow old and eventually die. Time is always running out.
Ok, so it is depressing.
Thanks all
I do imagine that it took a loooong time to get a photo taken back then, what with techno not being very advanced and all that. And if you are a little boy or girl you can get impatient ;o)
I cannot imagine having 12 children either!
We have boxes upon boxes of vintage photography...well, not me personally as I live in a 3-room apartment, but at my parent's place, which is large.....I only wish I had the time to scan more of them. I have scanned about 15 from the same series as this one if from though, but that also took me forever ;o)
Paperface, will it make you a bit less depressed if I told you that the youngest one in the picture didn't die until a few years ago? Okay, time is still running out, I know what you mean :o)
That is a great picture. Thanks for sharing it.
You are very lucky to have old photos of your family history; very nice.
Just read your comments on my castle post. I hope to go into the castle in the summer, so I will make sure I put more pics up for you.
Oh, I love this picture. Your great-grandmother looks so young to have had 12 kids! But my grandparents also came from large families - that was the way life was, back then. Kids still died young and there was no relying on each baby born actually making it to adulthood. Imagine how heartbreaking that was.
It's a beautiful photo, Louise. Like others have said, I really like the old vintage photos. I think I have one of my father when he was a child. I'll have to see if I can dig it out.
This is very cool! I love pictures like this. Sorry I haven't commented in a while, your blog wasn't working in my feed reader, so I had to delete and readd. :) Hopefully it is working now.
Awesome picture! Your lucky to have a great memento of your family.
Oh and come on over and get your award!! Your the first person i nominated :0)
Thank you all for your lovely comments. I have been aways for some days, but will head to your blogs in the near future :-)
wow, what an amazing picture!
I love old photos! Especially when they have a connection to you like this one.
Thanks for visiting my blog for WW. That's how I got here and I like your blog. We seem to have a similar philosophy when it comes to reading. I'm also now following you on Twitter :)
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