Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Dedicated Man by Peter Robinson

Banks is still relatively new on the Eastvale Policeforce after having left a stressful job in London. He originally moved to Yorkshite to find some peace and quiet, but already in book one, Gallow's View, he realises that that is not always so. I this book two, A Dedicated Man, Banks once again finds out that life in the country side is not necessarily as peaceful as he had hoped for. Te friendly universityman Steadman is found killed and hidden under a pile of rocks on the moor. Banks cannot crack the case, since everyone maintains that Steadman was friendly and had absolutely no enemies.No skeletons are coming tumbling out of the closet and Banks must god back to Steadman's past to find small clues.

A good mystery, but the later Banks-books are better,


Dorte H said...

I have tried one of these in Danish, but that was certainly a mistake. I think I have one in English on my shelf so I´ll probably give Robertson a second chance one day.

But you know, if the translation is mediocre and often annoying, the book will have to be truly outstanding to entertain you.

Louise said...

I know, Dorte, and I actually think that I have read one of the Banks books in translation myself years ago - and wasn't very impressed. However, I still like this series, especially in English :-)

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I have to say I wish I could read books in two languages so I could weigh the merits of how good the translation managed to be.

Beth F said...

I've been undecided about the Banks books. I think the later books are supposed to be better (as you mentioned).