Friday, September 18, 2009

BBAW Meme 5: Setting Goals

This days BBAW Meme is about setting goals for your blog, using around 50 words explaining what you like about your blog.

Right now I like the color scheme and three-columned style of my blog. I may change it, the color-scheme, but I like this dark blue. I also like the posts I have written about bookish things but which are not exactly reviews of books read. But my goal for the next year should be to read more books and thus be able to write more reviews. It may sound strange since this is a book blog, but I really want it to be more bookish. I like a column or two about my other interests, but Lou's Pages must be mostly about books, and then Egyptology, photography and travels must take second place without this blog being completely without personality.

Okay, that was more than double of 50 words, but I couldn't make it any shorter.


gautami tripathy said...

I too like my 3-column template and clean looks.

BBAW: Do I drop from the sky or touch it?

Rebecca Reid said...

I think it's great to make "more bookish" goals, after all you are a books blog! It's hard to find time, we all understand!!

all the best,

Anonymous said...

I like your dark blue. It's easier on the eyes than black, yet still different.